Boston 4.2.0

Highlights of this Release

New Features

  • [Service] Improved Notification System: Users now receive notifications for key actions taken on their Autom by others, enhancing awareness and collaboration.

  • [Service] ConnectWise Integration: A new connector for ConnectWise is now available, making it easier to manage services directly within Autom Mate.

  • [UI] Dashboard Enhancements: New Helper Bar, Easy Widgets, and Top Header components have been added to the Dashboard, improving usability and access to key features.

  • [Service] Array Minus Indexing: Autom Mate now supports using negative indices in arrays, allowing users to reference data starting from the end of the array.


  • [Service] Custom Action Output Enhancement: Custom Action outputs are now uniquely identified, providing better traceability and data management.

  • [Service] Restful Web Service Flexibility: The mandatory output requirement for Restful Web Service actions has been removed, offering more configuration options and simplifying setup.

  • [UI] Developer Mode Enhancements: Developer Mode has been improved with version notifications and action count displays, helping developers stay informed and improving their development experience.

  • [UI] Export and Import Button Updates: Export and Import buttons now include enhanced animations and tooltips, aligning with Developer Mode’s design for better usability.

  • [Service] Added Date/Time Formats: New date and time formats have been added to improve flexibility when working with timestamps in various workflows.

Bug Fixes

  • [Service] Resolved Schedule Reset Issues: Fixed issues with schedule triggers, ensuring reliable automation scheduling.

  • [Service] CSV Reading Error Fixed: Addressed an issue where CSV files could not be read properly, enhancing file handling reliability.

  • [UI] Page Navigation Improvement: Fixed a bug that prevented proper navigation within pages, streamlining user interactions.

  • [Service] Group Deletion Fix: Resolved a problem where deleting an action would inadvertently delete the entire group, making group management safer.

  • [UI] Improved Import Screen Usability: The Import screen has been revamped for better user experience, with a more accessible "Choose Json File" button.

  • [UI] Form Validation Bug Fixes: Fixed issues with form validation icons remaining visible after fields were filled, improving user feedback and experience.

  • [Service] Send Mail Action Bug Fixed: Resolved issues with adding variables to the Send Mail action, ensuring full functionality in configuring email actions.

  • [UI] Action List Navigation Improvement: Fixed the issue where action lists would reset after selection, making navigation smoother and more efficient.

  • [UI] Drag-and-Drop Bug Fixed: Ensured that read-only outputs are correctly set as non-draggable, preventing unintended changes.

  • [Service] Data Table Assign Bug: Fixed an issue where assigning new data to a data table resulted in an empty field error.

  • [Service] Microservice Send Stream Error: Resolved an issue where users encountered stream errors when retrieving CI data from Lakeside.

  • [UI] 404 Error on Dashboard Navigation: Fixed a 404 error that occurred when users navigated back to the Dashboard from the Alerts page.

  • [UI] Developer License Column Fix: Users with developer licenses can now view the correct columns in the library page.

  • [UI] Operation Detail Page Width Fix: Fixed an issue where some logs in the operational history did not fit the pop-up window, improving readability.

  • [Service] Missing Object Key Error Handling Fixed: Resolved an issue where the system failed to return a "not found" error when object keys were missing, causing the variable to default to the main data. This fix ensures proper error reporting, preventing fallback to incorrect data and improving overall data handling.

  • [Structure]Object Variable Escape Character Fix: Resolved issues with escape character "\n" errors, stringification problems, and structural inconsistencies in object variable usage. Now, when using variables within double quotes ("##variable##"), data will be processed according to its type.

Detailed Explanations

[Service] Improved Notification System

Autom Mate’s notification system has been significantly enhanced to keep users better informed of actions performed on their Autom by others. The key notifications introduced include:

  1. Autom Triggered by Another User with Error Notification: If someone else runs your Autom and it encounters an error, you will be notified. This ensures that the owner is always aware of any issues and can take corrective action.

  2. Failed Login Notification: If a login attempt fails using the correct username, users will receive a notification, helping with security monitoring and troubleshooting.

  3. Autom Updated, Deleted, or Status Changed by Another User Notification: You will be notified if someone else updates, deletes, or changes the status of an Autom you created. This ensures transparency and allows for quick follow-up on changes.

  4. Library Downloaded by Another User Notification: When another user downloads a library, all users except the one who downloaded it will be notified. This feature improves collaboration by informing everyone who uses the library.

  5. New Version Downloaded Notification: A notification will be sent when a new version of Autom Mate or a resource is downloaded, ensuring that users stay up to date on updates.

  6. Active Version Changed Notification: If the active version is changed, other users will receive a notification, helping them track version control.

  7. Autom or Version Downloaded, or Active Version Changed Notification: When an Autom or version is downloaded, or the active version is changed, all other users will be notified, enhancing team transparency.

  8. MateAgent Timezone Changed Notification: If the MateAgent timezone is changed, all users will be notified to ensure that schedules and triggers are adjusted accordingly.

  9. Autom Trigger Type Changed by Another User: You will be notified if another user changes the trigger type of your Autom, keeping you informed of any changes that could affect workflow execution.

  10. Autom Name or Information Changed by Another User: If someone else changes the name or any key information of your Autom, you will be notified, ensuring that you are always aware of updates to your Autom.

  11. Scheduled Autom Stopped or Started by Another User Notification: If someone else stops or starts a scheduled Autom, you will receive a notification, keeping you informed of important scheduling changes.

[Service] ConnectWise Integration

The ConnectWise connector is now available in Autom Mate, allowing users to seamlessly integrate and manage ConnectWise services within their workflows. This integration streamlines operations by automating ConnectWise processes, reducing the need for manual intervention, and improving efficiency.

[UI] Dashboard Enhancements

Several enhancements have been made to the Dashboard, introducing features like a new Helper Bar, Easy Widgets, and a Top Header component. The Helper Bar provides users with quick access to essential tools, the Easy Widgets give fast access to frequently used functions, and the Top Header improves navigation, making the platform more user-friendly.

[Service] Array Minus Indexing

Autom Mate now supports negative indices in arrays, allowing users to access elements starting from the end of the array. This feature adds flexibility to array manipulations, making it easier to work with data that is indexed relative to the end of a dataset.

Last updated