MS Teams ChatBot Installation

How to create an Azure Bot resource

Azure Bot Service is a service hosted and developed on the Microsoft Azure platform. This service is used to create and deploy chatbots. Azure Bot Service enables bots to be used on different platforms and channels, such as websites, mobile applications, Microsoft Teams, Skype, Facebook Messenger, and more.

Azure Bot Service provides developers with various tools and services. Bots can be equipped with natural language processing (NLP) capabilities, allowing them to interact naturally with users through text or speech. Additionally, bots can be integrated with the Azure Bot Framework, which offers developers a range of APIs and resources to customize and enhance their bots.

Azure Bot Service allows businesses to automate and improve a range of tasks, from customer support to providing information and more, by creating chatbots. Bots can be programmed to answer user questions, provide services, or perform specific tasks.

In summary, the Azure Bot resource provides the infrastructure for a bot to access secured resources. It also allows users to communicate with the bot through various channels like Web Chat.

How to Apply

  1. Go to the Azure portal.

  2. Under the Azure Services, select Create a resource.

  3. In the search box enter bot, then press Enter.

  4. Select the Azure Bot card.

  5. Select Create.

  6. Enter the required values.

  7. Select “Review + create.”

  8. If the validation passes, select Create. You should see the Azure Bot and the related key vault resources listed in the resource group you selected.

  9. After Create process completed, you should select Go to Resource.

  10. On the resource page, click Channels on the left side panel.

  11. On the Channel page, click on Microsoft Teams and accept the Terms of Service.

  12. On the next page, select Microsoft Teams Commercial option and then click Apply at the bottom of the page.

  13. Select Configuration from the left side pane to fill the configuration fields like Messaging Endpoint and having Application ID and defining Application Password

  14. On the Configuration page, you should fill the Messaging Endpoint with your Autom Mate Flow Webhook URL.

  15. You should note your Microsoft App ID to use it for creating App Creadential under Autom Mate’s Vault module.

  16. To define Microsoft Password, you should click on Manage Password right next to Microsoft App ID Label.

  17. After you clicked to Manage Password, you should select New client secret.

  18. On the right side pane, fill the Description field to specify your Client secret’s friendly name and select one option to define Expire date of your client secret. Also you can define custom date as well.

  19. Click Add to save your Client secret.

  20. Copy your client secret by clicking right next to created Value column.

  21. If you want to customize your bot, click Branding & properties.

  22. To customize your bot with your company’s assets like Logo, website url, terms of service url, privacy statement url etc., fill the neccessary fields.

  23. After creating the Azure bot on Azure Portal, it is time to publish the bot as app on developer portal. Go to Developer Portal.

  24. Click “Apps” from left side pane.

  25. Click “New App” from top nav bar.

  26. Enter the name of the app and click “Add”.

  27. You should fill the required fields under “Basic Information” section.

  28. You should fill “Application (Client) ID” field with the ID value of your Azure Bot.

  29. After you filled all required fields, click “Save” button.

  30. From the left sidebar, click on “Permissions”

  31. On the permissions page, select “ChannelMessage.Read.Group and ChannelMessage.Send.Group” permissions under Teams Permission

  32. On the permissions page, select “ChatMessage.Read.Chat and ChatMessage.Send.Chat“ permissions under "Chat/Messaging Permissions"

  33. Save all of cahnges.

  34. After saving permissons' information, from the left Sidebar, click on "App Features."

  35. On the App Features page, click on Bot.

  36. On the Bot page, fill the Bot ID field with your Bot’s app ID and check the checkboxes under the scopes. Then click Save button.

  37. Click “Publish” button from top-right corner to download the app package.

  38. Click “Download the app package” to use the package on publishing process. A zip file will be downloaded automatically and it should includes manifest json, color and outline image files.

  39. Before publishing the app package, you should test it. To do that, please go to Teams app validator page.

  40. Click “Upload manifest package” and select downloaded zip file to validate your package.

  41. The test must be successful, otherwise possible errors must be corrected and the testing process must be started again.

  42. To publish your app package, go to Teams Admin Center.

  43. Click “Upload new app” from the apps page.

  44. Click “Upload” button and select the downloaded package that you created on developer portal.

  45. The custom app should be uploaded successfully and the success modal should be appear on the screen.

  46. You should see your app on the list by searching the name of your app.

  47. To chat with your bot, go to Microsoft Teams on your computer. Click “Apps” from the left side pane and search your app name that you just published.

  48. You should see that your bot is appeared. Click “Add” button.

Last updated