
Discover the integration between Autom Mate and HaloITSM, which brings powerful automation capabilities to IT service management workflows. This documentation explores how Autom Mate, a robust workflow automation platform, seamlessly connects with HaloITSM, enabling users to manage ITSM tasks effortlessly. With Autom Mate’s integration, users can streamline actions within HaloITSM—such as ticket creation, updates, and data retrieval—enhancing efficiency and reducing manual workload in IT service management processes.

What is HaloITSM?

HaloITSM is a comprehensive IT service management (ITSM) platform designed to help organizations manage their IT services and support operations efficiently. From incident and problem management to change and asset management, HaloITSM provides a centralized solution for IT teams to handle every aspect of IT service delivery.

With robust features like ticketing, automated workflows, reporting, and integrations, HaloITSM enables organizations to streamline support processes, improve response times, and enhance overall service quality. Its flexibility allows customization to fit specific organizational needs, making it suitable for IT teams of all sizes and industries. HaloITSM supports ITIL best practices, ensuring that businesses can deliver standardized, high-quality service to their users.

Autom Mate Integration with HaloITSM

Autom Mate provides seamless integration with HaloITSM through a set of pre-built actions, enabling users to automate a variety of IT service management tasks within their workflows by leveraging HaloITSM’s robust capabilities.

Some examples include:

  • Automatically creating tickets in HaloITSM based on incoming incidents or customer emails.

  • View ticket statuses in HaloITSM based on defined workflow conditions.

  • Adding notes and updates to existing tickets in HaloITSM to maintain clear communication and tracking.

With this integration, Autom Mate enhances IT service management by streamlining operations, reducing manual input, and ensuring consistent, efficient workflows within HaloITSM.



Specify Connector Name

  • Connector Name: Enter a friendly name for the connector, e.g., Semih Memis.

  • Note: This name will help you identify the connector and make it globally available within Autom Mate.


Set Authentication Type

  • Authentication Type: Select oauth20_client_credentials_grant.

  • Info: This authentication type uses OAuth 2.0 client credentials to authorize API requests.


Define API URL

  • API URL: Enter the HaloITSM API URL, such as https://autommate.haloitsm.com.

  • Example: Replace with the URL of your specific HaloITSM instance.


Enter Client ID

  • Client ID: Input your OAuth 2.0 client ID associated with HaloITSM.

  • Note: Ensure this matches the client credentials in your HaloITSM account.


Enter Client Secret

  • Client Secret: Provide the OAuth 2.0 client secret.

  • Note: This field is encrypted and appears as "••••" for security.


Configure Scope

  • Scope: Specify the scope value(s) required for the API access. Separate multiple scopes with commas (,) if needed.

  • Tip: Check HaloITSM API documentation for specific scope requirements.

After completing these steps, your HaloITSM connector will be ready for use within Autom Mate workflows.

How To Use Action

Create Ticket

Description and Purpose

The Create Ticket action allows users to open a new ticket within the HaloITSM system, enabling centralized tracking and efficient management of IT issues. This action is ideal for streamlining the ticketing process by quickly creating tickets based on provided details like priority, type, and summary.

Usage Instructions


Input Ticket Details

Payload (Required): Provide a JSON object containing the necessary ticket details.


Execute the Ticket Creation

Run the Create Ticket action. This will submit the provided payload to HaloITSM, creating a new ticket with the specified attributes.


Review Ticket Creation Output

After executing the action, check the output to confirm successful ticket creation. The response will include essential details, such as the ticket ID, which can be used for further tracking and reference within the HaloITSM platform.


Sample Input
  "priority_id": 2,
  "tickettype_id": "24",
  "summary": "Issue with application",
  "category_1": "Business Applications"

Field Descriptions:

  • priority_id: Specifies the priority level of the ticket.

  • tickettype_id: Defines the type of ticket to be created.

  • summary: A short description or title for the issue.

  • category_1: The main category under which the ticket is classified.

(Refer to HaloITSM documentation for specific field values and options.)


Sample Output
  "_canupdate": true,
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  "actisbillabledefault": true,
  "additional_agents": [],
  "addressfrom": "S",
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  "alluserscanview": 0,
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  "article_type": 0,
  "atera_alert_id": 0,
  "attachment_count": 0,
  "auditdate": "1899-12-30T00:00:00",
  "auditstatus": -1,
  "auditunum": -1,
  "automate_id": 0,
  "autotask_id": -1,
  "autotask_number": "",
  "auvik_id": "",
  "auvik_url": "",
  "backoutplan": "",
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  "category_1": "Business Applications",
  "category_2": "",
  "category_3": "",
  "category_4": "",
  "categoryid_1": 155,
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Add Note to a Ticket

Description and Purpose

The Add Note to Ticket action allows users to add detailed notes to an existing ticket within HaloITSM, with the option to include file attachments. This action is beneficial for documenting updates, sharing additional information, or attaching relevant files to a ticket, enhancing collaboration and tracking within the IT service management process.

Usage Instructions


Enter Ticket Details

  • Ticket ID (Required): Select or enter the unique identifier of the ticket to which you want to add a note.

  • Example: "Issue with application"


Provide Note Content

  • Note (Required): Input the note content to be added to the ticket. Use <br> for line breaks within the note for clearer formatting.

  • Example: "This issue requires additional troubleshooting. <br>Please check logs for further insights."


(Optional) Add File Attachments

  • File Name: If attaching a file, specify the name of the file, including the file extension.

    • Example: "test.jpg"

  • Base64 Code of the File: If attaching a file, provide the Base64-encoded data of the file. This will enable the attachment to be added directly to the ticket.


Execute the Action

Run the Add Note to Ticket action to apply the note and any attachments to the specified ticket.


Review Note Addition Confirmation

After execution, check the output to confirm that the note was successfully added to the ticket. The response will include details on the action’s success and any additional information.


Sample Input
Please provide the ticket ID or Select you ticket using drop down menu.


Sample Output
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View a Ticket

Description and Purpose

The View Ticket action allows users to retrieve detailed information about an existing ticket within HaloITSM. This action is useful for accessing up-to-date details on a ticket's status, priority, assigned team, and other essential information, aiding in efficient issue tracking and management.

Usage Instructions


Enter Ticket ID

  • Ticket ID (Required): Select or enter the unique identifier of the ticket you wish to view. Providing the Ticket ID ensures that the system retrieves the correct ticket details from HaloITSM.

  • Example: Enter the Ticket ID in the provided field.


Execute the Action

Run the View Ticket action to retrieve the ticket details from HaloITSM. This will display the information associated with the provided Ticket ID.


Review the Ticket Details Output

After executing the action, check the output to view the detailed information of the ticket. The response includes attributes such as ticket status, priority, assigned team, recent updates, and other relevant details.


Sample Input
  "ticket_id": "12345"


Sample Output

View a Knowledge Base Article

Description and Purpose

The View Knowledge Base Article action enables users to retrieve detailed information about a specific Knowledge Base article within HaloITSM. This action is ideal for accessing information that can help in issue resolution, providing insights, or offering solutions to common problems directly from the Knowledge Base.

Usage Instructions


Enter Knowledge Base Article ID

  • Knowledge Base Article ID (Required): Select or enter the unique identifier for the Knowledge Base article you wish to view. This ID is necessary to retrieve the correct article content from HaloITSM.

  • Example: Choose the Knowledge Base Article ID in the provided field.


Execute the Action

Run the View Knowledge Base Article action to access the article’s content within HaloITSM. This will pull up the details and content of the specified Knowledge Base article.


Review the Article Details Output

After execution, check the output to view the full content of the Knowledge Base article. The response includes attributes such as the article title, content, last updated date, and any other relevant information.


Sample Input
  "knowledge_base_article_id": "7890"
Sample Output
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      "id": 148,
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      "hyperlink": "",
      "id": 125,
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      "is_horizontal": false,
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      "label": "Type of Mobile Request",
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      "ordervalues": false,
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      "rounding": -1,
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      "type": 2,
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      "id": 166,
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      "new_storage_method": false,
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      "ordervaluesby": 0,
      "regex": "",
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      "summary": "",
      "third_party_value": "",
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      "usage": 1,
      "value": 0
  "date_created": "2022-05-10T10:50:23.387",
  "date_edited": "2024-06-14T15:42:41.747",
  "description": "If you see messages piling up in your Outlook outbox or people you're sending messages to aren't receiving them, try the following methods to fix the issue. We've presented the methods in order of quickest to most in-depth.  ",
  "description_html": "<style>p { margin: 0; }span.fr-emoticon.fr-emoticon-img { background-repeat: no-repeat !important; font-size: inherit; height: 1em; width: 1em; min-height: 20px; min-width: 20px; display: inline-block; margin: -0.1em 0.1em 0.1em; line-height: 1; vertical-align: middle; } span.fr-emoticon { font-weight: normal; font-family: \"Apple Color Emoji\", \"Segoe UI Emoji\", \"NotoColorEmoji\", \"Segoe UI Symbol\", \"Android Emoji\", \"EmojiSymbols\"; display: inline; line-height: 0; } blockquote { border-left: solid 2px #5e35b1; color: #5e35b1; margin-left:0; padding-left:5px;}blockquote blockquote{ border-color: #00bcd4; color: #00bcd4;}blockquote blockquote blockquote{ border-color: #43a047; color: #43a047;} table.grid{ border-collapse: collapse;} table.grid td, table.grid th { border: 1px solid #ddd;} .fr-fic.fr-dib{ display: block; margin: 5px auto;}.fr-fic.fr-dib.fr-fir{ text-align: right; margin: 5px 0 5px auto;}.fr-fic.fr-dib.fr-fil{ text-align: left; margin: 5px auto 5px 0;}.fr-fic.fr-dii{ float: none; margin: 5px auto;}.fr-fic.fr-dii.fr-fil{ float: left; margin: 5px auto;}.fr-fic.fr-dii.fr-fir{ float: right; margin: 5px auto;}</style><p id=\"isPasted\">If you see messages piling up in your Outlook outbox or people you&#39;re sending messages to aren&#39;t receiving them, try the following methods to fix the issue. We&#39;ve presented the methods in order of quickest to most in-depth. &nbsp;</p>",
  "editor_id": 3,
  "editor_type": 0,
  "external_links": [],
  "freshdesk_id": "",
  "id": 23,
  "inactive": false,
  "internalmemoagent": "",
  "internalmemoagenthtml": "",
  "kb_tags": "email, Standard Applications>Email, Office365, Microsoft365",
  "key": 23,
  "last_review_date": "2022-05-10T10:50:23.387",
  "limit_end_date": "1899-12-30T00:00:00",
  "limit_start_date": "1899-12-30T00:00:00",
  "name": "Emails not Sending",
  "next_review_date": "2022-08-08T10:49:27.273",
  "notuseful_count": 0,
  "related_articles": [],
  "resolution": "Is Outlook disconnected? Check the bottom of your Outlook window\r\n\r\nIf you see Disconnected, Working Offline, or Trying to connect…, Outlook can't reach the email server to send your mail.\r\nChoose Send/Receive > Preferences > Work Offline to toggle between offline mode and online mode. You may need to open the message and send it again, or choose Send/Receive.\r\n\r\nMake sure you're connected to the Internet\r\nIf you lose your connection to the internet, Outlook won't be able to send your messages.\r\nOpen a browser, such as Internet Explorer, Edge, or Chrome.\r\nTry entering one of the following websites in the address bar:\r\nhttp://www.microsoft.com\r\nhttp://www.bing.com\r\nIf you can't reach either of those two websites, see Troubleshoot network connectivity problems in Internet Explorer.\r\nDo your messages contain large attachments?Some email providers (such as your ISP or even Gmail) won't let you send messages larger than a certain size. Adding pictures and large attachments to your message can prevent you from sending that message (and any messages sent after the large message).\r\nGo to your Outbox and then open the stuck email messages. Start with the oldest message first. If that message has an attachment that’s larger than 5MB, delete the attachment and either attach a smaller file or attach a link to the attachment. See Attach a file to an email in Outlook for more information on attachments.\r\nNow try to send the message again. If that doesn’t fix the problem, see the next section.\r\n",
  "resolution_html": "<style>p { margin: 0; }span.fr-emoticon.fr-emoticon-img { background-repeat: no-repeat !important; font-size: inherit; height: 1em; width: 1em; min-height: 20px; min-width: 20px; display: inline-block; margin: -0.1em 0.1em 0.1em; line-height: 1; vertical-align: middle; } span.fr-emoticon { font-weight: normal; font-family: \"Apple Color Emoji\", \"Segoe UI Emoji\", \"NotoColorEmoji\", \"Segoe UI Symbol\", \"Android Emoji\", \"EmojiSymbols\"; display: inline; line-height: 0; } blockquote { border-left: solid 2px #5e35b1; color: #5e35b1; margin-left:0; padding-left:5px;}blockquote blockquote{ border-color: #00bcd4; color: #00bcd4;}blockquote blockquote blockquote{ border-color: #43a047; color: #43a047;} table.grid{ border-collapse: collapse;} table.grid td, table.grid th { border: 1px solid #ddd;} .fr-fic.fr-dib{ display: block; margin: 5px auto;}.fr-fic.fr-dib.fr-fir{ text-align: right; margin: 5px 0 5px auto;}.fr-fic.fr-dib.fr-fil{ text-align: left; margin: 5px auto 5px 0;}.fr-fic.fr-dii{ float: none; margin: 5px auto;}.fr-fic.fr-dii.fr-fil{ float: left; margin: 5px auto;}.fr-fic.fr-dii.fr-fir{ float: right; margin: 5px auto;}</style><p><span style=\"font-size: 14pt;\"><strong><u>Is Outlook disconnected? Check the bottom of your Outlook window</u></strong></span></p><p><br></p><div><div><p>If you see Disconnected, Working Offline, or Trying to connect&hellip;, Outlook can&#39;t reach the email server to send your mail.</p><img src=\"https://updatedb2.haloitsm.com/api/attachment/image?token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IjViOGVkODBhLTVmNjgtNDZhYS04ZjhkLTlhMGQ3OGRiYjY4YSJ9.l6EbbDla1_HP4yH1rpVsbMnvvgNgP02xFHMMSdAs6GY\" alt=\"Outlook status bar showing that Outlook is disconnected from its mail server\" style=\"box-sizing: border-box; border: none; max-width: 100%;\" class=\"fr-fic fr-dii\" width=\"382\" height=\"27\"><p>Choose Send/Receive&nbsp;&gt; Preferences&nbsp;&gt; Work Offline&nbsp;to toggle between offline mode and online mode. You may need to open the message and send it again, or choose Send/Receive.</p><img src=\"https://updatedb2.haloitsm.com/api/attachment/image?token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IjI3YTkxOTQ3LWU1NDctNGUzMS1hYzQxLTAzYmVjMThmMmI3ZiJ9.6M85SAxeRlM-wlGNeOUQYj5PMdunCFb2BsTiGqEkanE\" alt=\"The Work Offline button in Outlook 2013\" style=\"box-sizing: border-box; border: none; max-width: 100%;\" class=\"fr-fic fr-dii\" width=\"151\" height=\"111\"><p><br></p><strong><u><span style=\"font-size: 14pt;\">Make sure you&#39;re connected to the Internet</span></u></strong></div><p><br></p></div><section style=\"display: block; box-sizing: border-box;\"><p>If you lose your connection to the internet, Outlook won&#39;t be able to send your messages.</p><ol><li><p>Open a browser, such as Internet Explorer, Edge, or Chrome.</p></li><li><p>Try entering&nbsp;one of the following websites in the address bar:</p><ol><li><p>http://www.microsoft.com</p></li><li><p>http://www.bing.com</p></li></ol></li><li><p>If you can&#39;t reach either of those two websites, see Troubleshoot network connectivity problems in Internet Explorer.</p></li></ol><div><span style=\"font-size: 14pt;\"><u><strong>Do your messages contain large attachments?</strong></u></span></div><div id=\"isPasted\"><p style=\"font-size: 1.4em; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0px; margin-top: 14px; margin-bottom: 14px; text-align: left;\"><span style=\"font-size: 10pt; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);\">Some email providers (such as your ISP or even Gmail) won&#39;t let you send messages larger than a certain size. Adding pictures and large attachments to your message can prevent you from sending that message (and any messages sent after the large message).</span></p><p style=\"font-size: 1.4em; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0px; margin-top: 14px; margin-bottom: 14px; text-align: left;\"><span style=\"font-size: 10pt; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);\">Go to your Outbox and then open the stuck email messages. Start with the oldest message first. If that message has an attachment that&rsquo;s larger than 5MB, delete the attachment and either attach a smaller file or attach a link to the attachment. See Attach a file to an email in Outlook for more information on attachments.</span></p><p style=\"font-size: 1.4em; box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 14px; margin-bottom: 14px; text-align: left;\"><span style=\"font-size: 10pt; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);\">Now try to send the message again. If that doesn&rsquo;t fix the problem, see the next section.</span></p></div></section><p><br></p>",
  "reviewed_by": 0,
  "search_index_sync_batches": 3,
  "search_index_sync_timestamp": "2024-06-14T15:42:43.43",
  "servicenow_id": "",
  "showforall": true,
  "table": 992,
  "type": 0,
  "use": "article",
  "useful_count": 1,
  "view_count": 1,
  "your_comment": "",
  "your_vote": 0

View an Asset

Description and Purpose

The View Asset action allows users to retrieve detailed information about a specific asset within HaloITSM. This action is useful for managing assets effectively by providing quick access to asset information, including specifications, status, and assigned users, directly from the HaloITSM system.

Usage Instructions


Enter Asset ID

  • Asset ID (Required): Select or enter the unique identifier for the asset you wish to view. Providing the Asset ID ensures that the system retrieves accurate details about the specified asset.

  • Example: Choose or enter the Asset ID in the provided field.


Execute the Action

Run the View Asset action to access the asset’s details within HaloITSM. This will display all relevant information about the specified asset.


Review the Asset Details Output

After executing the action, check the output to view the full details of the asset. The response includes attributes such as asset type, status, assigned user, location, and any other pertinent information.


Sample Input
  "asset_id": "4567"


Sample Output
  "access_control": [],
  "access_control_level": 3,
  "assettype_id": 128,
  "assettype_name": "Workstation",
  "ateraid": "",
  "automate_id": 0,
  "auvik_device_id": "",
  "auvik_network_id": "",
  "auvik_url": "",
  "azureTenantId": "",
  "bookmarked": false,
  "business_owner_cab_id": 0,
  "business_owner_id": 0,
  "business_owner_name": "",
  "businesscentral_id": "",
  "client_id": 12,
  "client_name": "Personal",
  "colour": "#2bd3c6",
  "commissiondate": "1900-01-01T00:00:00",
  "commissioned": 1,
  "contract_id": -1,
  "contract_ref": "",
  "contractvaluecurrent": 0,
  "contractvalueprior": 0,
  "criticality": 0,
  "custombuttons": [],
  "customfields": [],
  "datto_alternate_id": 0,
  "datto_id": "",
  "datto_url": "",
  "defaultsequence": 0,
  "device42_id": 0,
  "device_number": 3,
  "dlastupdate": "2024-06-17T17:29:26.127",
  "domotz_agentid": 0,
  "domotz_id": 0,
  "fields": [
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Last updated

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