
What is an Array in the context of the system?

Answer: An Array is a data structure that can store a fixed-size sequential collection of elements of the same type. It is used to store a collection of data, often thought of as a collection of variables of the same type.

How do I create a new Array Variable?

Answer: To create a new Array Variable:

  1. Open the Variable section within the flow.

  2. Click on the "Add New Variable" button.

  3. Select "Array" as the Variable Type.

  4. Provide a name for the Array Variable.

  5. Define the elements of the array, specifying their type and values.

  6. Click the "Save" button to create the Array Variable.

What are some common use cases for Array Variables?

Answer: Common use cases for Array Variables include:

  • Storing lists of items such as employee names, product IDs, or customer addresses.

  • Managing collections of data that need to be processed or displayed together.

  • Performing calculations or operations on multiple values simultaneously.

How do I add new data to an existing Array?

Answer: To add new data to an existing Array:

  1. Access the Array Variable within the flow.

  2. Use the "Add" action to add new data.

  3. Specify the Array Variable to add to and the new data item.

  4. Click the "Save" button to update the Array with the new data.

Can I delete specific data from an Array Variable?

Answer: Yes, you can delete specific data from an Array Variable using the "Delete" action:

  1. Access the Array Variable within the flow.

  2. Use the "Delete" action to remove data based on a filter.

  3. Choose whether to filter by index or by value.

  4. Specify the filter criteria and the data to be deleted.

  5. Click the "Save" button to update the Array with the deleted data.

How do I retrieve a specific element from an Array Variable?

Answer: To retrieve a specific element from an Array Variable:

  1. Access the Array Variable within the flow.

  2. Use the appropriate index to access the desired element.

  3. Enclose the Array Variable name and index within ## symbols.

    • For example, ##User_List[2]## will retrieve the third element from the 'User_List' array.

What happens if I try to access an index that is out of range in an Array?

Answer: If you try to access an index that is out of range in an Array, it may result in an error or return a default value depending on the system's behavior. It is important to ensure that the index falls within the valid range of the Array to avoid unexpected results.

Can I perform mathematical operations on Array elements?

Answer: Yes, you can perform mathematical operations on Array elements:

  • For numeric Array elements, you can add, subtract, multiply, divide, or perform other mathematical operations.

  • Ensure that the operations are valid for the data type of the Array elements to avoid errors.

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